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标题: All about your CV/Resume !!!!!!!! [打印本页]

作者: marialee    时间: 1-6-2011 15:26
标题: All about your CV/Resume !!!!!!!!
To start with, let's have a short resume quiz:em01: :em01:

State T or F of the following statements:

1) Using a resume with some dramatic touch (brightly coloured paper, or a fancy border) increases your chances of getting an interview.

2) A career objective should only be included in your resume if you have extensive work experience.

3) It is a good idea to attach as many written references to your resume as possible.

4) Most job advertisements give comprehensive information about the job role and the organisation.

5) Talking to friends and family about their knowledge of the organisation is one way of researching a job role.

6) Once you have created a great resume you can use it for many different jobs.

作者: marialee    时间: 1-6-2011 15:26
本帖最后由 marialee 于 2011-6-1 15:27 编辑

Module 1: Why you need a resume

Why do I need a resume?
"because employers ask for one", is the obvious answer.

But why have resumes become such a crucial first part of the job application process?
If you consider that the job application process is like an obstacle race, the resume is the first obstacle on the track that an applicant must overcome. The successful person presents themselves best, at each obstacle in the application process.

So how do you get to be a successful applicant?
This tutorial will show you that a targeted professional resume can definitely help your chances of being selected. Also, the more resumes you write (or update), the better you get at writing them.

Why might I be successful with one resume and not another?
Sometimes it may be clear why you were not short-listed or didn't get the job interview, and other times it is less so. It may be because you underestimated yourself and therefore, undersold your abilities. But more often than not, it is because you didn't target your resume and/or communicate your skills and abilities in a clear way.

How do I communicate in a targeted way?
Sometimes it is a simple case of making sure your resume addresses the requirements of the job. Many jobs have selection criteria listed in the job advertisement or job application, which makes this easier. But often, the advertisement may have limited information about the requirements of the role. Some employers deliberately keep this open and ambiguous, so that the quality and expertise of the applicants decide to some degree what the role will be. They may have a rough idea of the kind of person or skills they are looking for, but they look at the skills and expertise of the applicants to guide their final decision. '

How do I target my resume if there is limited information?
Three words - Research, Research, Research. There is further information about how to research organisations and the job, role or position in Module 3 . But it is also important to highlight your transferable skills in your resume. Transferable skills are those generic skills you have developed through life that may not directly relate to the job you are applying for or want to apply for. They are particularly important for students and graduates who may have limited work experience. Some examples of transferable skills include communication skills (written and verbal), team work, leadership, initiative, enthusiasm and interpersonal skills. Although you may not have direct experience in a particular area, you can target your resume to a job by highlighting your transferable skills. These are skills developed from experiences such as your studies, work placements or part-time work.

What if I have limited work experience?
It's important to see yourself as a whole package. While you may have limited work experience in the field you wish to work, an employer may look for your potential skills through your resume. Most graduate employers will look at what you have done in your studies and even outside your studies, such as extra curricular activities, projects, vacation work, professional memberships to ascertain whether you have the transferable skills to do the job. The challenge for any applicant is to have an awareness of how you are perceived by employers through your resume (the first hurdle). So regardless of what the employer is looking for, you can confidently put your best foot forward.

作者: marialee    时间: 1-6-2011 15:26
本帖最后由 marialee 于 2011-6-1 15:28 编辑

The difference between a resume and c.v.

There is no difference between a resume and curriculum vitae. Most current employers use these terms interchangeably. If you are asked to supply a C.V. (stands for Curriculum Vitae) this is the equivalent to a resume.
In the past, a CV was completed by executive level staff who had a long work history and was usually highly detailed and much longer than a resume.

Whereas a resume was shorter and often tailored to specific purposes, which suited applicants with a shorter work history. But these differences no longer exist. A resume is a C.V and a C.V is a resume.

How employers use resumes

Think of yourself as an employer for a moment -  What would you look for in a resume when selecting an applicant for interview?

Here are some suggestions ( in priority order):

1. Your skills or experience match the skills required for the job. These are clearly communicated and you have given examples of when you have demonstrated these skills in other situations

2. Other people have enjoyed working with you and speak highly about your skills and abilities (usually found through referee checks).

3. You have a unique twist - an interesting combination of skills, or interests, strengths or achievements. What have you done that is different? Travelled overseas, community work, introduced improvements to your workplace, managed people, started your own business, played an instrument for 10 years etc.

4. Evidence of your written communication skills. Spelling and grammatical errors show poor attention to detail, or suggest laziness or apathy - you didn't spend the time checking your application, because you are not really interested in the role.

5. A professional and positive first impression. If the style and layout are clear, employers can see that you have strong presentation skills and can bring things together.

6. A way for an employer to structure an interview. Your resume can direct the interviewer's attention to specific strengths and achievements. Make sure these fit the job requirements and you should do well.

Preparing your resume is also good preparation for you when preparing for an interview. The process of researching yourself, the role and the organisation ensures that you have material prepared to better cope with the interview. So make sure you read over it, before you go for your interview.

作者: marialee    时间: 1-6-2011 15:27
本帖最后由 marialee 于 2011-6-1 15:30 编辑

How employers shortlist using resumes

On average, Human Resources (HR) managers spend 30 seconds to 4 minutes reading each resume, so you need to make sure that you promote yourself in the most succinct way possible.

      Reasons for short-listing graduate resumes:

      Top three rejection reasons:

What employers look for in graduate resumes - Transferable skills & personal attributes

What an employer looks for in an applicant may vary depending on the job they are trying to fill.
However, usually there are common skills or competencies in all jobs. This is especially true in graduate recruitment, where an employer may look to recruit a graduate with generic skills or competencies which can be developed.

While it is important that an applicant's skills match the requirements of the job, often employers (particularly those recruiting graduates) are interested in the potential of their candidates. Graduates may have limited work experience, but they have developed skills and personal attributes through other interests - extra curricular activities or community involvement. This is why it is important that you include a range of examples and situations where you have demonstrated these required skills, in your resume.

Transferable skills are those you may have developed outside of your specific discipline of study e.g. teamwork and communication. Personal qualities differ from skills, but are just as important e.g. enthusiasm, positive attitude and motivation.

Employers are interested in these, because they show potential. Employers often want graduates who are broadly competent and flexibly skilled, so they can work around the organisation and in different roles if required.

These skills are often difficult to assess through a resume or online application, so many employers will use additional selection tools like behavioural interviews and/or assessment centres to really find out what skills you have.

Referees are also a good source of feedback about your transferable skills.

More information about how to identify your own transferable skills is available in Module 2

Some of these transferable skills and personal qualities include:

Strong verbal and interpersonal skills: Able to communicate clearly and effectively and at the appropriate level with various types of people (i.e. to senior managers, colleagues and the public).

Leadership/Influencing others: Can articulate a common vision and provide others with a sense of direction. Able to persuade, convince, influence or impress in order to gain support or to have a specific impact on others.

Problem solving skills: Identifies the root causes and breaks the problem down into the key issues. Grasps new concepts and can see the problem in relation to the bigger picture. Generates mutiple explanations and solutions.

Self-motivated/Self-managed/Self-starter: Has an underlying concern for doing things better. Is self driven, self-motivated and enthusiastic.

Analytical and conceptual thinking: Able to analyse and synthesise experience, observations and information to evaluate options and indentify patterns and furture possibilities.

Flexible/Adaptive/Resilient: Able to shift strategies and accept other viewpoints. Adapts quickly and effectively to changing situations. Able to overcome disappointments and learn from the setbacks to bounce back. Able to adjust to unexpected change.

Team player: Able to work effectively with others to achieve an optimal outcome. Able to interpret the feelings, unspoken concerns, desired, strengths and weaknesses of others.

Strong written communication skills: Able to express in a written from the key information in a succinct and professional manner.

Energy and enthusiasm: Excited, positive and motivated to be involved and get started.

Creative/innovate/initiative: Able to go beyond what the situtation required and act before being asked. Brings new approaches to problems.

Customer focus: Able to set priorities and evaluate options on a business and community basis.

作者: marialee    时间: 1-6-2011 15:27
本帖最后由 marialee 于 2011-6-1 15:31 编辑

How to find referees

Find someone you trust and ask them permission to include them on your resume. You would then include their contact details in the resume or you could give your prospective employer their contact details at the interview. On your resume you may say 'Referees details are available on request'. Some applicants don't like to give out their referees' details until they know they have been short-listed, especially if they are working and the referee is their boss.

Referees are a great source of valuable feedback about your skills and abilities. Find out from your referees what they see as your key strengths and areas for development. This will help you to tailor your resume and give you confidence about what sort of things they will say about you to your prospective employer. If you are worried that a referee will be negative, you don’t have to include them on your resume.

Use a multi-layered approach when listing referees. List people you have worked with or worked for first and then tutors, university lecturers, people in professional associations and good personal contacts last. Include a list of what their relationship is to you (ie Manager, Professional Contact, Coach, University Tutor or Lecturer).

Consider all referees as networking contacts. Ask permission to use their name and notify them in advance when they might receive a call from the employer. Send a copy of your resume to your referees and the job advertisement or documentation so they know what skills to highlight when they are called.

If you name has changed for any reason, make sure your referee knows you new name.

Construct you list of referees with your career objective in mind. Brief your referees on the certain skills and/or projects that you want them to highlight to the employer.

Ask your referees to call you once they have spoken to your employer, as this is a great source of valuable feedback.

:em01: :em01: Now, take this short quiz to test your knowledge about Module 1.

1.A resume is a:
a) Way of preparing for an interview
b) Way of demonstrating your written communication skills

c) Sales brochure
d) Way for an employer to structure an interview
e) All of the above

2. There is no difference between a resume and curriculum vitae. Current employers use these terms interchangeably.

3. Employers spend on average 5 minutes looking at your resume.

4. Employers always shortlist applications based on a structured set of key selection criteria.

5. One of the top reasons why employers will not shortlist you based on your resume is because you haven't given enough details about yourself.

6. There are common skills or competencies that employers look for from all applicants.

7. You shouldn't include your current boss or manager as your referee on your resume.

作者: yukizhu1021    时间: 1-6-2011 15:29

作者: StarPh    时间: 1-6-2011 15:34
谢谢marialee, 好详细哦!!!
作者: hzl    时间: 1-6-2011 15:56
作者: huolongguo    时间: 1-6-2011 16:10

作者: cleopatra    时间: 1-6-2011 16:33
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作者: RebeccaYam    时间: 1-6-2011 18:21
哇 Maria姐最近怎么发这么多关于求职的呢?
作者: 2010Tiger    时间: 1-6-2011 18:41
作者: judytsai    时间: 1-6-2011 18:47
thx for sharing~~~~~~~~~~~
作者: Dante870520    时间: 1-6-2011 19:10
作者: yobo    时间: 1-6-2011 19:14
作者: davidtandl    时间: 1-6-2011 19:18
作者: marialee    时间: 1-6-2011 23:00
回复 RebeccaYam 的帖子

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作者: alice70    时间: 3-6-2011 19:43
very good , thanks
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作者: 匿名    时间: 29-1-2015 18:10
标题: camiseta francia mundial My best friend married la
My best friend marital last yearly she birthed a babe few days antecedent She constantly said to me is she had many asset to do,barely she actually was confused apt how to do! Actually, it is actually a intricate while you handle with many tiny things for a juvenile parent because the 1st phase One highest daunting thing may be clothing for baby babies. Today,camiseta francia mundial, I aspiration chat about something almost the babies clothing.
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Additionally, many current babies disposed apt move ceaselessly,camiseta selección espa?ola 2014, so their clothes should be durable. It method that you ought prefer the clothing made of classy cloth barely can be washed accessible.

作者: 匿名    时间: 29-1-2015 20:14
标题: michael kors tote ... 2015 ... rmcbvwghtq
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作者: 匿名    时间: 29-1-2015 20:21
标题: toms sko oslo ... 2015 ... fjnzwmujvs
"I can't let you go, dare you go?" Bai Shaohua see the Haitian should not listen to his words, a strength son rushed outside, very arrogant stood up,toms sko oslo, stretched out his hands to stop the Haitian way. But the white Shao Hua can not he a person, also followed behind him two bodyguard figure, Haitian noticed, also have three destroy days level strength. It looks like they usually follow Bai Shaohua arrogant used, though the number of the Haitian people more than them, but they are not to retreat meaning. "My three sound, don't go, don't blame me don't mention it!" Haitian narrowed eyes cold voice said. Bai Shaohua saw the Haitian her sharp eyes,toms sko, suddenly one zheng! He seemed to feel a Babel of kill an idea suddenly came, let his blood complete solidification lived! Terrible, really is too terrible! You know, the Haitian but in the endless mountains mixed for several years, the hand is already covered in blood. Usually better, he take the initiative to the intended to kill the convergence, however, once released, it is absolutely ordinary people can't resist. Bai Shaohua is just an alchemist,louis vuitton bags, and did not go through much of the fight baptism, felt in the Haitian terrible intended to kill, the whole people almost froze, can't help the two steps back, get out of the road. Haitian it nodded: "that good!" Say that finish, Haitian directly with people left,toms sko salg, and they saw the crowd always arrogant Bai Shaohua got out of the road, and even dare to stop? In succession to the Haitian let a passage. See Bai Shaohua unexpectedly and really get out of the road, his two bodyguards behind is very puzzling came up: "master, don't just let them go? Shall I go to them back?" When Bai Shaohua finally is awake, all of a sudden, he seemed to see all the blood toward his poured over, and he would like to be a boat, undulating Xuehai struggling. A lot of people around to Bai Shaohua point, some harsh words also reached his ears, said he is the virtual shelf, don't use. On hearing this,toms sko p? nett, Bai Shaohua's face is going to drop water gloomy came, grandma, don't these people thought he wanted to get out of the way? It is just can't help! Mom,michael kors h?ndvesker, the first to lose so adult, Bai Shaohua felt no face to stay down: "we go!" Say that finish, directly with two puzzled bodyguard left. Onlookers people see no noisy can see,michael kors hamilton, have also left, of course, it is like a storm as quickly spread, a few days, people throughout the Tianxin city know always arrogant Bai Shaohua went so far as to eat a hold. Many people began to inquire about the Haitian people, but I know nothing at all. No way, Haitian in the celestial exposure rate is not high, but also can be said to be low terrible. He was in heaven's activities are not many,michael kors selma, the main or the south some city and north to the endless mountains, to know his will only blame.
作者: 匿名    时间: 30-1-2015 12:21
标题: louis vuitton skjerf ... 2015 ... qsmciodzkn
    而且如今的海天。和过去的海天不能比了。连紫薇天王都敢得罪,更何况是他们?再加上暗魔天王有意示好海天,louis vuitton skjerf,他傻了才会与海天对着干呢。
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    至于陆天佑,toms sko。海天也听说过他有可能看穿了老杨立场的事,也和他稍微试探了下。觉的这人有点太深不可测,完全不知道他内心中的想法,很快就离了开来。
    随着一名又一名高手的到来,不一会儿天宫外已经是聚集起了数百人。海天望着这么多人,心中不由得哀叹了一下,这数百人里,最后能够活着出来的,恐怕十不存一,toms norge。
    但如此重要的机会,却没人能够放过,哪怕是他也一样。虽说他一直都没有放弃修炼,可是也感觉到自己到了一个瓶颈,toms sko,现在到了六幽天巅峰就感觉提升不上去了。
    这天宫无疑是一个很好的机会,想要突破到七星天,还得看这次了。连他都不能放过这么好的机会,又何况是其他人,toms norge?只是他也忍不住猜想,当初天机老人得到的重宝,究竟是什么东西?居然引得这么多人觊觎?
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作者: 匿名    时间: 30-1-2015 17:41
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The Chloe brand is bottom along Gaby Aghion surrounded 1950 plus from is period the company namely making beautiful lifestyle products plus accessories prefer Chloe handbags,bayern munich bayern munich bayern munich, shoes plus additional clothing accessories. Before this jot was found the clothing stuffs were made and crafted onward haute couture. The alter products of Chloe are quite much fashionable get out of the way the globe plus many fashionable celebrities likewise use some products of this mark The Chloe handbags are very much notable amid todays mall There are categories given to bags as per their use favor Paddington bags, AVA tote, Betty bags, Equestrian Kerala elbow bags, Edith Satchel. These forever are best poplar categories of buyers plus collectors.
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Some other best reason which makes these Chloe handbags so much popular is its comfortable stuff The material which is used apt acquaint these bags is quite pure plus aboriginal And equitable for of that reason bags are quite durable that you tin use it for surplus than four to five years. Company never compromise with its quality ahead selling it to their customers. Some people may think that this jot is so new for Hollywood celebrities use some products of it,merely its actually never favor namely By the private use of these Chloe handbags you aspiration actually feel quite snug plus stylish.
作者: 匿名    时间: 30-1-2015 19:20
标题: replica camiseta seleccion espa?ola Its never one
Its never an easy task apt find the best clothing as there are so many options procurable in the market Besides, the fashion trend so variable that what namely prevailing today may become out of another day Therefore,replica camiseta seleccion espa?ola, its of eminent importance to comprehend the guidelines of choosing clothes
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New Delhi: Karbonn Mobiles, Indias No. 3 smartphone brand, expects its revenue to rise more than 60 percent to 80 billion rupees in the fiscal year ending March 2015, as sales from smartphones surge in the worlds second biggest wireless market by number of users.
The unlisted New Delhi based company will likely close the current fiscal year with about 49 billion rupees in revenue,louis vuitton outlet store, Managing Director Pardeep Jain said on Wednesday. He expects higher proportion of smartphones in total sales to fuel growth for the next fiscal year.
Basic and feature phones still account for more than three quarters of total handset sales in India. But smartphone sales are growing at a much faster pace, with the market flooded by low cost phone models mainly from a host of local Indian brands including Micromax and Karbonn.
Smartphone sales in India nearly tripled to more than 44 million in 2013,louis vuitton outlet online, according to data from IDC, whereas the overall handsets market grew 18 percent to 257 million. Samsung Electronics is the leader in Indias smartphone market, followed by Micromax and Karbonn. Karbonn, which last month signed a pact with Microsoft to make phones running on the Windows phone software, will launch two Windows phone models in May, Jain said.

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