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标题: 学生签证续签,手把手教程。 [打印本页]

作者: marialee    时间: 19-2-2012 18:21
标题: 学生签证续签,手把手教程。
本帖最后由 marialee 于 2012-2-19 19:22 编辑


If you need to extend your student visa because of further studies or need extra time to complete your current program of studies, you have to prepare a new student visa application. You must lodge your student visa application before your current visa expires.

通过互联网递交电子申请 或者
You can lodge your visa application in two ways:
by Internet or
by post using a paper application.


The summary provided below is to assist students in the application process. Please refer to for the full procedure.

在你签证有效期内的最后一学期成绩公布以后,请向你学校的学生中心索取并填写签证续签相关的表格以获得一份新的electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (e-COE). 学校有专门的审核人员来决定你还需要多长时间来完成学位。
全额支付续签期间的海外学生健康保险 Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). 续签几个月就支付几个月的OSHC,并保留缴费收据。
在HSA进行体检 Health Services Australia
如果你上次为申请澳洲签证所做的体检时间距今超过12个月,你必须重新在澳洲做一次体检。 在你申请中的所有家庭成员也必须重新体检。16岁以下的申请人不需要做胸透 chest X-ray。 体检前请联系HSA预约时间 Health Services Australia (HSA)

填写移民局 forms 26 and 160 ( 可以在这里下载 也可以提前到HSA填写 也可以到移民局办公室索取) 体检时请带好你的护照、银行卡或信用卡。在预约的时候请与HSA确认费用,如果医生觉得你需要做更多检查,你需要支付相关费用。
571 Schools
572 VET
573 Higher Education
574 Postgraduate Research
575 Non Award
576 AusAID/Defence
Complete the Visa Amendment/Extension form at your university or school's Student Central to obtain a copy of electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (e-COE). This should be done after your last session results are out so that your school authority can determine how many more sessions you require.
Pay the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) to cover the period of your extended stay. Keep the receipt as evidence of payment of the OSHC.
Do the Health checks with Health Services Australia
If you have gone through a medical and a chest X-ray examination associated with the grant of an Australian visa more than 12 months ago, you must undertake these examinations in Australia again for your visa application. All family members included in you application must undertake these examinations. The chest X-ray is only required if the applicant is over 16 years of age. Appointments are required, and can be made by contacting
To make an appointment online, you must use a credit card and valid email address

Complete DIAC forms 26 and 160 ( you can download these from  or arrive early for your appointment at HSA to complete these) and bring your passport to your appointment. You must also pay the costs associated with these examinations. Please confirm the fee when you make your appointment with HSA.
Prepare all the documents as required for your specific situation, see
1 学生签证在线申请

进入evisa页面 按要求填写你的资料
当你在线递交了你的学生签证续签申请以后,你将自动获得一个过桥签证 bridging visa. 此过桥签证允许你在学生签证处理期间内在澳洲境内学习、生活。同时你会得到一个Transaction Reference Number (TRN)用来查询你的申请处理进度,请记录并保管好此号码。
在线递交学生签证续签申请后7日内,移民局会给你发信(letter 或 email)。通常情况下,移民局会要求你邮寄一些补充材料给你的签证官。签证官的姓名和地址请在这封信中查找。如果不需要任何补充材料,这封信会告诉你续签的最终审理结果。在没有特殊要求的情况下,你不需要亲自到DIAC办公室。
在你递交学生签证续签申请后,你可以在这里查询进度 如果你获得一个新的学生签证,你可以到移民局指定的办公室帖签。
如果你收到错误信息或者有任何问题,请电话联系 DIAC寻求帮助: 131 881


Go to and follow the instructions
You can pay the Visa fee of $535? by using a credit card or by BPAY. If you do not have a credit card, you can use another person's card with his/her permission. To obtain BPAY services, contact your bank. If you use BPAY you must allow 7 days for your payment to be processed before lodging your visa online BPAY. You MUST lodge your application at least 7 days before the end of your current visa.
When you lodge your application over the Internet you will be automatically granted a bridging visa. The bridging visa allows you to stay in Australia and study while your application is being processed.
Within 7 days of lodging your application over the internet you will receive a letter advising of any further documentation you may be required to send to DIAC and your case manager's name and contact details. If there are no documents required you will receive a decision. You DO NOT need to visit the DIAC office unless you are asked to do so by DIMIA.
You can check the status of your visa application at any time on the Internet through the Online Visa Enquiry Facility. If you are granted a new visa, you can go to DIAC to have your new visa label put on your passport.
If you receive an error message or are having problems applying online, you can contact DIAC on 131 881 for help.
2 学生签证书面申请


下载并完整填写学生签证申请表 form 157A
你必须在申请材料中包含 $535? (最新价格请见 的学生签证申请费,可以使用在澳洲邮局购买的 money order. money orders 的收款人请填写 "DIAC". 请勿在材料中夹带现金。 Australian Government sponsored students such as AusAID/IPRS scholars are exempted but should obtain an official letter verifying the scholarship status.
请邮寄学生签证续签要求的所有资料,包含申请表(157A), e-CoE, 申请费money order, OSHC付费收据和这里要求的所有其他材料 到:

当你在线递交了你的学生签证续签申请以后,你将自动获得一个过桥签证 bridging visa. 此过桥签证允许你在学生签证处理期间内在澳洲境内学习、生活。
移民局会给你发信(letter 或 email)。通常情况下,移民局会要求你邮寄一些补充材料给你的签证官。签证官的姓名和地址请在这封信中查找。如果不需要任何补充材料,这封信会告诉你续签的最终审理结果。在没有特殊要求的情况下,你不需要亲自到DIAC办公室。 如果你获得一个新的学生签证,你可以到移民局指定的办公室帖签。
如果你想知道你的签证处理进度,你可以联系你的签证官或拨打移民局服务热线 131 881

You must make sure that your application reaches DIAC office before your visa expires. If you can NOT make an application over the Internet, please follow these steps:

Download and complete form 157A from the DIAC website at
You must include payment of $535? in the form of a money order which you can obtain from the Australia Post. Make money orders payable to "DIAC". Cash is NOT acceptable. Australian Government sponsored students such as AusAID/IPRS scholars are exempted but should obtain an official letter verifying the scholarship status.
Post the completed application form (157A), a copy of the e-CoE, application fee money order, OSHC payment receipt and all other required documents to:

When your application is received you will be automatically granted a bridging visa. The bridging visa allows you to stay in Australia and study while your application is being processed.
DIAC will send you a letter advising of any further documentation you may be required to lodge and your case manager's name and contact details. If there are no documents required you will receive a decision. You DO NOT need to visit the DIAC office unless you are asked to do so by DIAC. If you are granted a new visa, you can go to DIAC to have your new visa label put on your passport.
If you need to find out the status of your application you can contact your case manager or DIAC on 131 881.

Street address
Level 3
55 Currie Street
Adelaide SA 5000

Postal address
GPO Box 2399
Adelaide SA 5001

Courier access
Level 4 West

Client counter and courier access hours
9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday
Visa evidencing is available during normal counter hours.
Note: In most cases the Australian Government does not require you to have a visa label placed in your passport. Your visa and any conditions associated to it – including when your visa expires – have been linked to your passport details.

You can access your visa information online through the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) system.
See: Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) for Visa Holders

Office services
Three (3) computers are available at the reception waiting area for clients wishing to view the departmental website or lodge an online application.

General fax
08 7421 7653

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship operates a national telephone inquiry line on 131 881, for the cost of a local call anywhere in Australia.

作者: Lanseyaoji    时间: 19-2-2012 18:22
作者: joyce61    时间: 28-2-2012 16:18
mark下好贴 以后也许会有用 谢谢楼主啦!
作者: fall0406    时间: 28-2-2012 16:30
作者: 下半场    时间: 28-2-2012 16:59
作者: linda0315    时间: 28-2-2012 17:11
好人呐  不错不错 自己申请可以省一大笔钱哦
作者: slshop    时间: 28-2-2012 17:39
不错. 好帖子要顶.
作者: 懒羊羊    时间: 28-2-2012 21:56
作者: legend03iyo    时间: 28-2-2012 22:11
作者: johnz    时间: 28-2-2012 22:41
好人 一定要顶……  {:4_143:}
作者: 小佩佩    时间: 28-2-2012 23:16
作者: qc0118    时间: 29-2-2012 00:48

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