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      [其他] ❤ Family guide to Pets(家有宠物整理贴)

      whisper007 发表于 5-10-2008 13:54:21 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      67971 81


      Pets can be so manydifferent things to so many different people. And they have to be. After all,their job description is extensive: best friend, fitness trainer, shoppingcompanion, couch-warmer, food critic and tester, door bell, along with theconstant expectation of being a source of amazement, amusement and frustration.Just think about it:
      Pets make us healthy:from a simple pat right through to a run around the block, contact with animalscan’t help but drop the stress levels, increase fitness and result in ahappier, healthier you.
      Pets teach usabout caring: despite some amusing attempts to do so, most pets can’t feedthemselves or take their own medicine. They will reply on your caring hands tohelp keep them fit and healthy. Very quickly they will become a true andimportant member of the family.
      Petsteach us about life: a pet’s lifespan is always too short for your liking. Intheir handful of years, we see it all; their birth, growth, maturity and theirdecline and eventual passing—life is always too short. So live it to the full.

      Pets teach responsibility: taking onthe task of caring for a pet is a great way to instil confidence and independencein a young pup of the human kind.
      Petsteach us how to interact with other animals: pets seem to have a uniqueability to read our body language, mood and out tone of voice, so that how weact around them affects how they feel and act around us. So having any sort oflittle friend does teach us all to have a gentle side.
      Pets teach co-operation: looking after a pet is a big job. And nomatter how much you would like to be there for your little mate 24 hours a day,7 days a week; it’s just not possible. That’s why the need to all work togetheris so important. The most important thing is that no matter where you are orwhat you are doing, your little mate gets looked after.
      Pets are the ultimate companion:there is no friendship that is more dependable than that with a pet. Well,spending time with a pet shows us all a way to forget about issues and stressesand see what is important that fulfilling in life. They seem to have a uniqueability to put the world into perspective.

      Okay, let’s have apet  :)

      1.善待宠物,要有一颗金子般的心It’s a simple enough rule—how you treat yourpet decides how they treat you. 养宠物不是一件简单的事情。既然下定决心增加一家庭成员,就要想到一系列的问题。养就要养好,好多问题都要考虑到,例如,房东是否允许(如果租房子的话),是否有时间陪它们(狗狗们要出去散步,尤其是一些大型狗,家里院子是否够大)。再有就是经济原因,除了吃喝拉撒外,生病了怎么办?不说疫苗一针的$60-$100不等外,牙齿没有几百是下不来的,做个绝育手术还得$200。总之,如果你是宠物,肯定对那种三天打鱼两天晒网的主人恨之入骨了吧。



      第三:训练狗狗:有些宠物店或者家所在的council不定期都有puppy pre-school,第一次让狗狗接触除了父母及兄弟姐妹外的其他同类。更重要的,作为狗狗主人的你学到了很多以前不知道或者澳洲宠物的知识,例如,教给狗狗最基本的技能,知道了什么是对狗狗有危害的虫子,基本护理,狗狗每个阶段的注意事项等等。也结识了爱好狗狗的朋友们,没准还能遇到同一品种的。一般为小班授课,10狗左右,狗狗的双方家长可同时到场。师父领进门,修行靠个人,再以后的训狗工作就在于你本人了,怎么训如何训,我会在后期的文章中介绍。当然,训狗的要在狗狗年纪小的时候。




      Brown,C. The Family Guide to Pets, 2007,UK

      [ 本帖最后由 whisper007 于 2008-10-5 15:04 编辑 ]

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       楼主| whisper007 发表于 15-9-2013 22:40:28

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      826001672 发表于 6-4-2013 19:28:47
      狂犬病吗 这里
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      djrain19871 发表于 12-3-2013 21:47:29
      各位, 请教几个问题,,  第一次养狗狗很多不懂, 谢谢

      1. puppy 3个月, 今天玩得时候它有点high...用牙齿把我手刮破了皮, 但没有出血, 有必要打个疫苗什么的吗?  

      2.  今天给它误食了冰箱里拿出来凉鸡肉, 还吃了点冰棍, 下午puppy有点拉稀了,那时候精神也不好,,,,  晚上回来吃点东西, 活蹦乱跳的, 但吃的也不多,感觉食欲不佳,   粑粑还是稀的, 而且特臭  请问需要就医吗?  还是慢慢就i自己好了.

      3. 请教 house-training的问题...   这小家务总是在地毯上小便,  现在大便找到地方了,,,,小便的时候, 只要一不看, 就在地摊上尿了....他自己有报纸尿尿的地方....不来客厅还好, 来了就在地毯上里面解决,

      4. 有没有什么cleaning production 可以清洁和消毒地毯上狗狗的尿的...地毯上都有味道了..

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      lmpatricia 发表于 8-9-2012 12:37:25
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      cherry1989_oo7 发表于 3-8-2012 15:00:03
      longeygey 发表于 2008-10-5 20:38

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      5043 发表于 13-4-2012 23:47:24
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