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熊熊Nicole 4-3-2012 11:07
xiner: 哈哈,我今天才去了你家啊,你继续猜吧哈哈
熊熊Nicole 3-3-2012 23:37
xiner: 果然没错,我就看到你家的狗和这个英文名字感觉像你,看来猜的没错。。。我想要个机械键盘,不想要薄膜键盘啊,不过还是感谢了哈
熊熊Nicole 2-3-2012 23:33
xiner: 是不是李小节?
熊熊Nicole 2-3-2012 23:09
xiner: 是不是李小节?
ShinyLiu 10-2-2012 22:40
seianko 31-10-2011 15:11
xiner: 哦= =,什么牌子的啊?胶皮底板怎么样?如果不行或者一般,我还是不要了
I am on a pc that has no chinese input. cant remb the brand, but it is rubber on both sides, not the extra thick rubber type.

C'mon i used to play alot when i was in school(20 years ago) not anymore. So i do know abit on the racquet.

I reckon you are looking for sth real good, that  cost ard 50-60aud in sports shop. The ones u r getting from K-mart shud be the same grade than i have. the cheapest ard is abt 10aud. Mine was the second cheapest, u might be able to spin ball if your serve skills is real silm shady.

U can check it out in the city rebel store and u give me a Pm if u wan a almost new racquet, i am serious i used only once and i have no time to go to the table tennis club in the south.
seianko 30-10-2011 22:50
是两面,不是自己贴的。买时就这样。 我把它搁在之前的租屋,你要的话,不急的话, 这周六行吗?别浪费钱买新的,除非你想要超好的拍。 原价好像18刀++
xiner 30-10-2011 22:08
seianko 30-10-2011 22:05
I have a table tennis racket...i can sell u for $5. Almost new, used once.
大猛哥 29-10-2011 23:21
xiner: 多谢大猛哥照顾哈哈

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