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      楼主: starlet125x
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      starlet125x 发表于 2-8-2013 21:57:43 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      19872 32


      本帖最后由 starlet125x 于 2013-8-5 16:37 编辑

      $50p/p , the winner gets 80% of the price pool, and the rest will be given to the second place winner.

      PS. Any ideas are welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      多选投票: ( 最多可选 2 项 ), 共有 62 人参与投票

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 5-8-2013 16:07:21
      haha ok...

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 14-8-2013 22:29:03
      Thankyou for support, looks like Rock fishing will be the type of fishing in this COMP; we will need around min 10 competitors in order to be established. So please feel free to leave ur name here.  

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 28-8-2013 22:12:13
      andrew1970 发表于 2013-8-28 20:26
      people who come to the chinese forum,seem like only you and me have a boat,may be you and me can h ...

      Seems so Andrew, but they are here, just dont poop up often haha. Boat Fishing Comp sounds interesting tho. Any thoughts u could contribute to me ?

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 29-8-2013 22:46:36
      andrew1970 发表于 2013-8-29 19:21
      let's say for 8 hour fishing time who can get the most of each type species fish. As from now on t ...

      sounds good, why not we make it just a one day COMP? say for squid, we launch at the same time and finish at the same time. Also, if we do boat fishing Comp how much we should charge for ? i would say $100p/p. plx comment Andrew

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 30-8-2013 21:07:30
      andrew1970 发表于 2013-8-30 20:45
      sounds good.why not.we can go kangaroo island for snapper,when it‘s a good day.what you think?

      In my opinion, I think we dont need to go that far for snapper, just around north heaven will do the job, also to fish around KI need big boat, so  yeah. well let say we have 5 boats in total, my boat is ideal for 3 person including me, and others i assume 3 as well, if we charge for $100p/p it isnt big enough to make the price pool to be come attractive. wot do u think ?

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 1-9-2013 14:13:35
      andrew1970 发表于 2013-8-31 22:43
      do you get snapper every time you going out fishing around north haven?

      yeah man, 90% of the time i go  have fish taken home wif me

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 1-9-2013 21:53:37
      andrew1970 发表于 2013-9-1 21:37
      what about i take you out on my boat for a day for snapper.because i'm really in doubt there is sn ...

      haha. however I cant disclosure some spots, but i could say all the grounds around NH hold snapper, yes ! ALL. its just the matter of timming. also bare in mind that you rarely get snapper in  noon time. hope that helps.

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 6-9-2013 11:59:41
      andrew1970 发表于 2013-9-1 22:33
      is it good Early  morning  in the channel ?

      Some where around snapper Rocks, and gonnas. stright out from ST Kilda.

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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 6-9-2013 22:21:19
      andrew1970 发表于 2013-9-6 19:07
      i can take you on my boat fishing at KL one day, do you have a contact number?

      0451133889 text me anytime

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