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      楼主: fei405
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      1/2价格最新PS3&XBOX游戏 免费寄 给玩家省钱了!

      fei405 发表于 31-3-2013 06:16:42 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      20458 70


      本帖最后由 fei405 于 2013-3-31 12:43 编辑

      论坛里应该有许多喜欢玩PS3, XBOX的筒子, 但是澳洲卖最新游戏贵得要命, 就算在eBay买, 加上运费最多便宜$10. 同事给了一个网站, 分享一下, 给大家谋点福利, 可以省下大把银子, 网站专门卖PS3, XBOX还有WII的游戏, 最新游戏的价格有的几乎是澳洲的一半, 稍微旧点的游戏都比EBgames 或者 Cash converter便宜,而且是新的, 并且免费邮递. 下面是几个新游戏(Alines: Colonial Marines Limited Edition, God of War Ascension Game, Halo 4 and 真三国无双7 帝王传)的价格和澳洲主流网站比较的截图, 还有买家的review. PS3游戏是region free, XBOX英国和澳大利亚都是PAL

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       楼主| fei405 发表于 31-3-2013 11:43:43
      本帖最后由 fei405 于 2013-3-31 12:43 编辑
      六合江山 发表于 2013-3-31 11:38

      PS3游戏是region free, XBOX英国和澳大利亚都是PAL, 不用担心
      Sony PS3
      •Games are region free – any PS3 game from any region will work on any PS3. **
      •Blu-Ray movie discs are region locked – Australia and UK are in the same Blu Ray region (B) and will therefore play both UK and Australian Blu-Ray discs.
      •DVD Movie discs are region locked. A UK PS3 will only play UK region DVDs (Region 2). It will not play Aus DVDs (Region 4). Vice versa applies
      •** The recently released fighting game 'Persona 4 Arena' became the first ever region-locked PS3 game for its North American release.

      XBox 360
      •Games UK and Australia will work interchangeably. Games from other regions such as the US or Japan may or may not work – each individual title is different as it is us to the individual publisher to decide whether or not to include the region coding in their game. A regional compatibility guide can be found here.
      •DVD Movie discs UK XBox360′s will only play UK region DVDs (Region 2). It will not play Australian DVDs (Region 4). Vice versa applies.
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