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  • City Townhouse 一房出租

    查看数: 1431 | 评论数: 9 | 收藏 1
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    发布时间: 29-6-2011 00:50


    本帖最后由 fatbaby 于 2011-7-3 01:13 编辑 房子位于4/20 North St, Adelaide SA 5000,非常靠近City West Campus。环境安静,安全,且交通方便。 房子共有3间卧室,2间厕所及1间浴室。车位已被其他租客使用。 ...


    fatbaby 发表于 8-7-2011 01:27:38
    回复 Ailing 的帖子

    We did have another similar property at city, but unfortunately all rooms have been rent out. Thanks for your interest.
    Ailing 发表于 6-7-2011 04:15:09
    回复 fatbaby 的帖子

    or do u have another similiar property but not just all guys tenant, it should be fine for me....hope to get ur reply soon....thanks!!
    Ailing 发表于 6-7-2011 04:10:43
    i'm a female student...i don't wish to live with 2 guys la....if u have another property, i wish to take it down la...
    fatbaby 发表于 5-7-2011 23:35:55
    回复 Ailing 的帖子

    We own the property, but not living there. You can contact me if you are interested to rent the room. My contact is 0433672030. Welcome inspection.
    Ailing 发表于 5-7-2011 03:58:54
    can know how u guys sign a such good room?? can giv me the agent contact?? i also wana have such a nice room.....
    fatbaby 发表于 29-6-2011 23:59:39
    fatbaby 发表于 3-7-2011 01:10:16
    zhc19890531 发表于 29-6-2011 17:11:05
    fatbaby 发表于 9-7-2011 11:39:17

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